rainbow eye logo Nancy L. Neff Coaching and Healing
LifeForce Abundance Coach
Vision Improvement and Energy Coach
Image: Nancy in red Email: Nancy@NancyLNeff.com

LifeForce Abundance Coaching Sessions
Complimentary Discovery Session
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Dream Coaching Sessions

Just as your dreams are unique to you, so are the sessions I offer. There may be common themes of self-empowerment, overcoming fear, and learning to view your life and yourself in a healthy, positive way (with techniques to facilitate this). Yet each session will be different, and custom-tailored to what you need at the time.

For your dream session, we can work on (play with!) a recurring night dream you've had since childhood, a recent puzzling or frightening dream, or even a concern about not remembering your dreams. Anything related to night dreams, daydreams, life dreams ("I always wanted to ...."), or your intuition or hunches, is a perfect topic for a dream session!

Please note that I am a dream teacher, not a psychologist. So you may also wish to work with a mental health professional if you are deeply concerned or troubled about the content of your dreams. Any dream work or play you and I do together will be in concert with that and will only add to it.

Dream Client Agreement Form
Before your session, in order for me to help you better, I'd like to know a few details about the current state of your dreaming. Please follow this link to the Dream Client Agreement Form, and fill it out. Clicking on the "Agree and Submit" button at the bottom of that page will send the completed form to me automatically. I'll respond soon afterwards to schedule your session.

Dream Session Logistics
Please see the Session Logistics page for specifics about confidentiality, session preparation, payment, and support after your session with me.

I'm really looking forward to working with you!


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