December 2018 Newsletter
Hello, and a delicious December to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter.
Today's issue is about moving toward what is good for you.
Are you facing your future with dread, or anticipation?
Your future could be tomorrow, when you plan to do some holiday
shopping and are already worried about the crowds, or not
having enough money to buy what you want. Or it could be that
long trip coming up, with a couple of plane rides, each a chance
to miss a connection. Or it might be that doctor's visit when you're worried
about a strange new symptom. How about imagining what could go
right? Maybe, even if you do get delayed on your trip, you'll meet a
fascinating stranger who becomes a close friend.
One approach which helps me keep the "so many things could go wrong!" worry
at bay is to have a loose plan to get me to my desired outcome, make all
reasonable preparations, then just keep going forward, knowing I've done
all I can and that things usually work out for the best. Someone told me a
long time ago that worry is negative prayer, focusing on what you don't
want to happen! What's the sense in that? Like the old rock song says, hold on
loosely. Don't let go of control completely, and don't hold onto the reins of your life so
tightly your fingers start cramping. Some things you just can't control, like
other people or the weather, so don't use up your precious energy trying to do the
If you look back on your life, you may realize that many so-called disasters
were blessings in disguise. (One spiritual teacher calls these "gifts in strange
wrapping paper".) Getting let go from that boring office job unexpectedly freed
you to start your own business, which is much more satisfying to you. The
ending of that troubled relationship made space in your life for you to get
to know yourself better, and to eventually find a new partner who does seem to
complete you, as corny as it may sound. And even that serious medical problem
helped you re-orient your life and your priorities, so that now you're living
your own dream, not someone else's.
If there are children in your life, consider playing this game with them. Children are
naturally optimistic and imaginative, so you can ask them to come up with 3 or 5
things that are good about what looks like a problem. Say they lost a favorite toy. Well
some other child will be happy to find it and play with it! Don't dismiss the child's
sadness, just gently point out another way to look at this. If there are no children
in your life, play the game with the child you used to be, feeding that joyous spirit of
delight. Have fun with it, knowing everything really is all right. Life is good now,
and the future looks even brighter than the present. There's so much to look forward to!
To read about moving toward the positive as it relates to vision,
Have you wondered if my work could help you?
I'm now offering complimentary Discovery Session consultations
of 20 to 30 minutes, for us to discuss what you're looking for
in a coach, and to see whether you and I feel like a fit.
To schedule your Discovery Session, click
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Thank you!
Please send me your questions and comments
Let me know what you've wondered about concerning energy medicine
or vision or dreams. I'll be glad to write a short article addressing
that topic. Thank you to those who have sent me questions, or see
a question you asked me in a private session written about here.
You're helping many other people!
Enjoy the start of your December.
I'll write again in a couple of weeks. Take care!