December 2024 Newsletter
Hello, and a delicious December to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter.
Today's issue is about seeing yourself as clear-sighted.
Do you see yourself as clear-sighted?
Picture a joyous toddler scampering around, interested in everything, knowing the world is his to explore. Now contrast that with his older gloomy sulking teenage sibling, who believes
"I can't" about most things, or "it will never work out for me", or "it's just too hard". Which one exhibits the energy and attitude you want for yourself?
Even though I excelled in school when I was younger, and had plenty of confidence in the classroom, my eyesight was quite poor trapped behind my thick glasses. I did not appreciate my vision, considering it a defect needing to be fixed.
I was also socially insecure, which is common for myopes, and preferred to have "my nose in a book" rather than interact with my peers. When starting vision improvement many years later, it was a major mindset shift
to imagine seeing clearly on a regular basis.
Used to ignoring my eyesight if I thought about it at all, I started small, telling myself "My eyes and brain know how to see", wanting to counteract that automatic refrain of "I'm blind without my glasses". Even when I couldn't make out much more than light and shadow when walking after dark, or large
indistinct shapes without my strong glasses, I still wasn't blind. As I did simple tasks with no glasses, and was able to identify smaller shapes with greater clarity, my visual confidence grew.
Years ago, when I took the daring leap of attending a weekend workshop on dreams with no glasses, I introduced myself to a neighbor in the group as always having been nearsighted. She inspected me closely, then declared
"You don't look nearsighted". I was stunned, and pleased. Was I hanging on to this self-description as my identity when it no longer fit? Maybe it was time to upgrade my self-image, to start seeing myself as someone capable of clear eyesight most of the time,
no longer handicapped by my limited sight.
My mindset slowly shifted concerning my vision, toward being more positive and optimistic. I now intend to see possibilities, rather than what I perceive as problems. I've been doing this elsewhere in my life, with career or fitness or friendships.
However for some reason I wasn't applying this mental shift in attitude to my vision, probably because I was so accustomed to seeing my eyesight as my biggest physical defect. No one is without flaws, and I've discovered that there are actually folks
whose eyesight is worse than mine used to be, which I would have never believed when I was a child.
In elementary school I was the only child in my class with glasses, or sometimes there was one other girl whose glasses had very thin lenses, while mine were coke-bottle thick. Yet that was then, and this is the present, when I haven't worn glasses for years. No, I can't see everything perfectly
every second with no blur or eyestrain, but most of the time I can see fine, especially if I don't push myself, or rush, or worry. I am Noticing Nancy now (and I'm easily noticing more and more), not the Nearsighted Nancy I used to be. Do you have an outdated limited identity, visual or otherwise,
it's time to put behind you? Being who we are now, not who we were in the past, feels healthy and fulfilling and true.
For an article on speaking positively about your eyes and vision,
Upcoming EFT series with a master teacher
My insightful teacher Dr. Carol Look, a founding EFT Master, is offering a 6-session series shortly, The Yes Code In Action. This class will give expert guidance on breaking through blocks and gaining clarity on next steps. I can't recommend Carol's work highly enough.
We'll have an Activation call to start us off on December 16th at 3PM Eastern, then 5 sessions in January 2025. Note that your own blocks and lack of clarity may be personal, professional,
with finances, health, relationships, or in some other area.
You can check out the details
Hope to see you there!
Have you wondered if my work could help you?
I'm now offering complimentary Discovery Session consultations
of 20 minutes or so, for us to discuss what you're looking for
in a coach, and to see whether you and I feel like a fit to work
together formally. To schedule your Discovery Session, click
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Thank you!
Please send me your questions and comments
Let me know what you've wondered about concerning energy medicine
or vision or dreams. I'll be glad to write a short article addressing
that topic. Thank you to those who have sent me questions, or see
a question you asked me in a private session written about here.
You're helping many other people!
Enjoy the start of this delightful month of December.
I'll write again in a few weeks. Take care!