February 2023 Newsletter
Hello, and a fabulous February to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter.
Today's issue is about the intention to learn.
The intention to learn
When I was a child I spent every spare minute reading. There were no computers or internet yet, so this was my source of
information about the often-confusing adult world. I remember looking up something in one of our orange volumes of the
Encyclopedia Britannica, and being stunned not to find the subject listed. Did I spell it right? Or was this area of knowledge
a secret, and if so, where could I find out more about it?
"Book-learning" came easily to me, and I did well in classrooms which emphasized this type of education. Reading or listening to a teacher's words,
or looking at and deciphering numbers, took priority over hands-on experience, such as anything to do with physical exercise or movement. "Sit still and
pay attention!" we were told. Sports or art were considered extra-curricular, almost frills, and were often the first thing to get cut
from a school budget. These areas weren't thought to be important for a child's development, or to becoming a well-functioning adult citizen.
My approach to vision improvement followed this same academic pattern which had worked for me in my studies of math, science, and computer programming.
I read book after book, memorizing the principles and techniques. I did lower my strong glasses prescription under the guidance of a holistic eye doctor,
which helped reduce my straining-to-see pattern a little. However I do wish now I had experimented more with body-based vision practices like scanning over the eye
chart, or palming, or sunning, or the Long Swing, instead of just reading about these.
Vision improvement has been as important to me as any of the school subjects I've studied, so my intention to learn about it and master whatever I could was
always present. However I didn't really know what I was doing in the beginning, and my path forward needed some adjusting. Just like only studying about and not doing
vision practices wasn't enough, throwing myself vigorously into the work, straining and struggling at this like I might in a gym workout, wasn't ideal either.
Easy does it was the answer, I finally found after doing vision practices for so long which only yielded minimal results. Not too forcefully, not too passively, merely gently
doing what seemed right to do now, noticing the results, then if necessary modifying the way I continued to proceed. Rinse and repeat, as they say. Learning and improving (whether with my eyesight or
in any other area) did not have to be a big struggle after all.
To me the gift of gaining knowledge or understanding, or of developing a new skill, is right there waiting for us if we're open to receiving it. The attitude I hold today is eager anticipation
of the gifts coming my way which will enhance my learning. I'm not grabbing at the package and violently tearing off the wrapping paper. Nor am I passively waiting for that package to unwrap itself and
jump into my lap. My intention is to stay in the present (smiling at the double meaning), to welcome what comes toward me, excited for the chance to enhance my life or my vision. Be enthusiastic for
whatever is approaching, so it can delight you, too.
For more on staying in the present to appreciate the gift of your right-now vision,
Upcoming EFT series with a master teacher
Dr. Carol Look, my skilled insightful EFT teacher, is offering a 3-week 6-session series shortly, Project Gratitude. I can't recommend Carol's work highly enough.
This series can improve your abundance by optimizing your energy. Note that your own abundance challenge may be financial, or with health, relationships,
or in some other area. Our first session is on Monday February 6th at 3PM Eastern.
You can check out all the details
Have you wondered if my work could help you?
I'm now offering complimentary Discovery Session consultations
of 20 minutes or so, for us to discuss what you're looking for
in a coach, and to see whether you and I feel like a fit to work
together formally. To schedule your Discovery Session, click
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Thank you!
Please send me your questions and comments
Let me know what you've wondered about concerning energy medicine
or vision or dreams. I'll be glad to write a short article addressing
that topic. Thank you to those who have sent me questions, or see
a question you asked me in a private session written about here.
You're helping many other people!
Enjoy the start of this fine month of February.
I'll write again in a few weeks. Take care!