Late February 2015 Newsletter
Hello, and a lovely late February to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter.
The photo of me above amuses me, since I'm "out there" speaking
to a group, and also hidden in the shadows where I am usually more
comfortable. It seemed a good fit for this time of year when
we're shifting from the northern Winter dark to the
light of Spring, while appreciating both.
Today's issue has 2 articles, the first on vision, and our 2
eyes seeing differently.
The second is about EFT and an occasional fleeting reaction
that doesn't feel good.
Vision: What if my 2 eyes see differently?
Ideally, healthy clear eyesight consists of both eyes seeing well,
and working together to produce stereoscopic vision.
(To learn more about 3D vision, see
this article.)
What if you notice that one of your eyes sees a little more
blurry than the other? You can experiment with letting that
eye lead for a change, depending on it for
one-eyed tasks like looking into a narrow bottle.
Most people do have a dominant eye, and you don't want to
rely on it so much the other eye thinks you don't need
it! If you see you're overly favoring one eye, you can try
patching it for simple safe activities.
Eye patches can be bought for a dollar or less
in most drugstores. You may be surprised how it feels to
have the more subservient eye do most of your looking.
Is the eye overwhelmed and not
sure it's up to the task? This is all good information for
you and will help you decide how to proceed.
Over the years a few people have told me they use
one eye for near vision and the other for distance vision,
sometimes proud of themselves for coming up with a clever
solution to seeing well at any distance. This is not how the
human visual system was intended to work! If you only use one
eye to see and suppress the vision from the other, you
lose your 3D vision entirely. Also, the vision in the middle
distances will be tricky for you, as you switch from one eye to
the other. Have the goal of both eyes participating in
your seeing, whatever the distance.
For an energetic perspective on the vision in your 2 eyes not
being the same, see
this article.
If you're interested in exploring and improving your own
looking habits, consider a
Vision Coaching session.
I'd love to work with you.
EFT: Can a tapping session cause physical pain?
Late last year I wrote about common reactions to EFT, like
yawning, in the lead article of
this newsletter.
As stuck energy starts moving through the body, it can cause
embarrassing reactions -- you may burp or make
digestive noises. Yet even though some discomfort came up
briefly during the tapping, greater calm and a more peaceful
feeling can be expected as the energy settles.
Sometimes when tapping on a physical pain, the location will
move, or the intensity can briefly increase.
It's as if the system is re-calibrating. Or a new physical
pain could show up temporarily. I worked with a woman who
badly wanted to achieve something. As we tapped on "I
really want it!" and "I can see myself having it!", we
didn't make much progress. In questioning her, I found that
a big part of her didn't believe it was possible! Well, of
course EFT "won't work" in this case -- she was not aligned
with the goal she wanted.
We tapped on "This isn't possible for me!", then "Yes, it is.
I want it so much!", then "I've never had it before, so why
should now be any different?". She told me after this round that
she had gotten a headache at the beginning of our tapping!
I could just see the conflict playing out in her brain, the
opposing ideas sparring with each other. The body is so literal!
She reported later that she felt much lighter. She
hadn't realized how strong her limiting belief was.
Your body wants to help you be as healthy and happy as possible.
One way it communicates with you is by producing tension or
ease to let you know what's going on with it. EFT can play a big
part in relieving strain and blockages, to help your mind and
emotions and body be more in agreement, more of a unified team.
If you're unfamiliar with EFT, you'll find a brief overview
so you can learn more about it.
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Thank you!
Please send me your questions and comments
Let me know what you've wondered about concerning vision or
dreams or EFT. I'll be glad to write a short article addressing that
topic. Thank you to those who have sent me questions,
or see a question you asked me in a private session written about here.
You're helping many other people!
Enjoy these last couple of weeks of February.
I'll write again in a week or so. Take care!