Mid-April 2015 Newsletter
Hello, and a magnificent mid-April to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter.
The photo above was a surprise to me, taken by my stealth
photographer friend at breakfast in a tropical location. It was
starting to warm up, and I took off my outer shirt as I laughed at
something she said. Better to be caught laughing than grumpy!
Today's issue has 2 articles, the first on fight-or-flight and
eyestrain. The second is on using EFT to give perspective to
childhood hurts.
Vision: Fight or flight and eyestrain
People often tell me that when they wake up, their eyes
feel fresh and alive. They can see clearly. Yet as the
day goes on, they develop eyestrain, and their
vision seems to decline. Do they just need to rest their
eyes more often, maybe take occasional palming breaks?
Maybe, and that may not be enough.
Resting your eyes, like any part of your body which has
been working hard, is a good idea. It's also
a great idea to notice how you feel when you're
looking. If you're glaring at those unpaid bills, my guess is
you're not relaxed!
Throughout your day, are you having to look at
one annoying person after another? Or at a scene
which makes you anxious, like the growing clutter in the
corner of the room? If so, since you're not happy, your vision
won't be happy either.
As tempting as it may be, we can't separate eye problems from
our emotions and thoughts. It is a strain to want to resist
seeing something, yet keep looking because you "should". The
solution may not be glasses, but adjusting your attitude, by
making peace with the present situation and accepting it, or
finding somewhere else to be where you like the view.
If you say to
your eyes and brain "I don't want to see this!" at the same time
you're telling them "We have to look at it!", you're sending
mixed signals. This causes confusion, which is static and
interference for your visual channel. You can see much better,
with pleasure instead of strain, if your seeing, attitude,
thoughts, and feelings are aligned. Look for the good around you,
and allow yourself the joy of fully seeing it.
To read more about my own experience of fighting with or fleeing
from what my eyes were showing me, click
If you're interested in exploring and improving your own
looking habits, consider a
Vision Coaching session.
I'd love to work with you.
EFT: It's big when you are little
Recently I participated in a weekend workshop with my
EFT teacher
Carol Look.
It happened repeatedly that someone would have a current
life issue, say a money challenge or a stressful
relationship with a boss, and when Carol explored
this, the roots would be far in the past.
One woman said she was always defending herself and justifying
her actions, that people didn't like her no matter what she
did. She was clearly skilled and smart, yet never felt good
enough. Asking "When is the first time you
remember feeling like this?" (a classic EFT question),
caused her to start crying.
She said her parents had never seen who she really was, that
her siblings seemed to please them without even trying, while
she was routinely criticized. She had developed a pattern of
over-achieving, and still wasn't happy. Carol started to nudge
her out of this by leading her in tapping on the hurt of the
child she had been, while we all tapped
with her. Then we tapped on "That was then, and this is Now."
When you're stuck is a destructive pattern like this, it doesn't
feel like a choice. You've reverted in your mind to a time when
you really didn't have choices, as children often don't. And a
"minor" incident to an adult can be enormous to a child, as the
Dickens quote says. You want to regain the perspective of the
adult you are now, with all the resources you have. Your world
is full of possibilities -- embrace them!
If you'd like to explore a situation which causes you
to revert to a negative part of your past, consider an
EFT Coaching session.
Together we can untangle your past from your present, to
help you be more fully in the Here and Now.
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Thank you!
Please send me your questions and comments
Let me know what you've wondered about concerning vision or
dreams or EFT. I'll be glad to write a short article addressing that
topic. Thank you to those who have sent me questions,
or see a question you asked me in a private session written about here.
You're helping many other people!
Enjoy the last part of April.
I'll write again in a couple of weeks. Take care!