Mid-April 2016 Newsletter
Hello, and an abundant mid-April to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter. The photo above is from a recent
energy medicine workshop. I'm speaking forcefully to a woman who is
recovering from a serious accident, about how good she looks and how much
progress she has made. Might I be coming on too strong? I have to laugh at myself
here. I hope you're speaking with the appropriate level of force for the
situations you're in.
Today's issue has an article on accessing multiple channels of
information and enjoyment.
Take advantage of all the channels of Life!
It's common for people to feel stuck in their habitual patterns
or situations. They know they're not moving forward in their
life in the way they want, yet all they know is to keep doing
what they've been doing. You may have heard that one
definition of insanity is to continue to perform the same
action, and expect a different result. For a different
outcome, you need to act differently!
Sometimes just shaking up your automatic habits a bit is
enough to get the creative juices flowing. If you normally
put your right shoe on before your left, try doing it the
opposite way, or swap your usual lunch and dinner menus.
It doesn't matter what you do as much as that it's a change,
and you'll need to be present -- you can't be on "automatic
pilot" as you usually are. Remaining present and aware could have you
noticing things you would have overlooked if you'd stayed with
the familiar pattern.
The brain likes novelty, and is bored by routine. Do you do
pretty much the same thing every day, or every week? If so,
and you feel "stuck in a rut", it's no wonder! Could you
join a class to learn something new which has always interested
you, or invite a friend to go on a spur-of-the-moment outing?
Playing with a small child will shake up your routine, as so
much to a child is new and a cause for delight. Everything
is interesting!
Take a minute and scan the big areas of your life: physical,
mental, emotional, spritual. Where do you think you're lacking
a bit, putting up with a situation that's not optimal? Maybe
since you retired from your job you're a bit bored, feeling
like there are no challenges left for you. Could you
volunteer, or get a part-time job tutoring, sharing what you've
learned? Or maybe you're lonely since your best friend got
married and moved away -- could you join that church down
the street, or an on-line meet-up group focused on one of your
Your life is what you make it, for the most part, and I want
you to be as happy and fulfilled in as many areas as you possibly
can. So reach out, and figuratively switch your life over to the Music
channel, or the Animal or Crafts or Workout or Cooking one. As many
talents as you've developed by now, I'm willing to bet you've got
untapped potential just waiting to burst forth.
Stretch yourself, and feel how you grow!
To read about the benefits of changing your visual channel,
Have you wondered if my work could help you?
I'm now offering complimentary Discovery Sessions of 20 to 30
minutes, for us to discuss what you're looking for in a coach,
and to decide whether you and I feel like a fit. To schedule
your Discovery Session, click
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it, and you might miss it next time. If you'd like to be on my
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Thank you!
Please send me your questions and comments
Let me know what you've wondered about concerning energy medicine
or vision or dreams. I'll be glad to write a short article addressing
that topic. Thank you to those who have sent me questions, or see
a question you asked me in a private session written about here.
You're helping many other people!
Enjoy the second half of your April.
I'll write again in a few weeks. Take care!