Mid-June 2016 Newsletter
Hello, and a juicy Mid-June to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter. The photo above is from
an energy workshop, where I'm bringing up some grounding
and stability from Mother Earth for a fellow sudent.
Today's issue has an article on the importance of not
working as hard as you possibly can, every single minute.
Are you getting enough down time?
Last month I took a train ride a couple hours out of
town to a workshop with one of my teachers. After
checking into my hotel, I walked to a nearby sidewalk cafe
to get something to eat. As I relaxed, watching the people
walking by and waiting for my food, it occurred to me it
felt like months since I had "taken it easy" like
This realization stunned me. Was I becoming a workaholic?
I do love my work. Yet if I'm honest, if I'm not directly
working, or doing necessary chores like mowing the
lawn or shopping for groceries, I'm learning more about
vision improvement or
energy medicine or
EFT or
I can spend hours studying these topics, and I'll
feel excited, not drained.
Burnout happens when you're pushing yourself too hard, working
too much and not spending enough time playing or resting. It's
easy to recognize burnout in the corporate slave, working long
hours, looking haggard, neglecting the family. And caregiver
burnout is classic, whether you're a professional caregiver or
caring for family members. You give all your energy to needy
others and have none left for yourself.
For someone who is his or her own boss, this is trickier. You're
not answering to anyone's demands but your own. And maybe,
just maybe, you're being too demanding! Yet you're too close to
it to see it. I have been guilty of this more than once. As with
many things in life, how you feel is a great indicator of the
health of the situation. Do you greet each day with
joy and energy, or with dread and a feeling of overwhelm?
Tune into yourself, and be honest. Is it time for a vacation,
even a short one?
Look at that person relaxing in the hammock. Are you jealous,
wishing that was you? Are you judgmental, thinking
they're lazy, certainly not as productive as you are? Give
your hardworking body and mind the rest they need, regularly.
Maybe just going for a brief walk would be enough of a break,
or maybe you need more. You know your energy and your
productivity will increase if you take a litle time off and
put your feet up. Just do it!
One of the simplest ways to give your vision some needed down
time is with the practice of palming, which you can read about
Have you wondered if my work could help you?
I'm now offering complimentary Discovery Sessions of 20 to 30
minutes, for us to discuss what you're looking for in a coach,
and to decide whether you and I feel like a fit. To schedule
your Discovery Session, click
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Thank you!
Please send me your questions and comments
Let me know what you've wondered about concerning energy medicine
or vision or dreams. I'll be glad to write a short article addressing
that topic. Thank you to those who have sent me questions, or see
a question you asked me in a private session written about here.
You're helping many other people!
Enjoy the second half of your June.
I'll write again in a few weeks. Take care!