Mid-June 2019 Newsletter
Hello, and a more-than-enough joyous Mid-June to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter.
Today's issue is about differing attitudes when approaching a problem.
How do you feel about that problem?
That big problem facing you may be financial, or with a close relationship,
or regarding your health. The way you face and deal with this life challenge can make
a big difference in how it turns out, and will certainly make a difference
in how you feel going forward.
Depending on your temperament, and especially if you learn about the problem
suddenly, you may want to attack it with all your might, like furious villagers
driving out a demon. This angry energy can serve as fuel to move you forward
toward a resolution, as long as you don't let your anger spill over into rage
and ruin your daily functioning.
It's possible you're so devastated by this situation you sink into despair,
seeing yourself as a victim upon whom Life has played a cruel trick. "Why me?"
you might ask, since you've always seen yourself as a good person.
While self-pity in the face of devastating news is understandable,
see if you can find a small shred of something positive. Sinking into
depression can keep you from taking the action you need
to improve your situation.
You may say you hate this problem and can't wait to get rid of it. Yet
ask yourself honestly, is there an advantage to having the problem? Could it
be a solution to something else? Maybe you enjoy the help you get from family members
because you're injured from that car accident, or you appreciate that you don't
have to go to work and you receive disability payments. Or maybe you're
afraid to lose that extra weight because all your heavy friends will be
jealous of you. Situations like this will keep you stuck in an "I want to, but
I can't!" pattern, going nowhere. What do you really want?
If I look at the attitude which has helped me overcome my challenges in the past
(and I prefer to see them as challenges rather than problems), it's as a student.
What am I meant to learn from this? If I'm in first grade, I can't do calculus yet --
I have to start where I am. Yet I do have to start. Complaining and a Poor Me
outlook, or getting resentful and feeling dumped on, aren't likely to bring me
any closer to the outcome I want.
If I describe something to a friend as "What an interesting situation!" rather than
"This is horrible! How will I ever cope?", I'm already in that problem-solving mindset.
Curiosity and an openness to what's possible will allow me to recognize help or good
ideas when they arise. When I move ahead step by step, not angrily or with resignation,
but with determination and optimism, I can usually make progress, and often arrive somewhere
even better than I dreamed.
To read about mixed feelings regarding wearing eyeglasses,
Have you wondered if my work could help you?
I'm now offering complimentary Discovery Session consultations
of 20 to 30 minutes, for us to discuss what you're looking for
in a coach, and to see whether you and I feel like a fit.
To schedule your Discovery Session, click
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Thank you!
Please send me your questions and comments
Let me know what you've wondered about concerning energy medicine
or vision or dreams. I'll be glad to write a short article addressing
that topic. Thank you to those who have sent me questions, or see
a question you asked me in a private session written about here.
You're helping many other people!
Enjoy the second half of your June.
I'll write again in a couple of weeks. Take care!