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Nancy L. Neff Coaching and Healing

LifeForce Abundance Coach
Vision and Energy Coach

 Nancy in red jacket

Email: Nancy@NancyLNeff.com

LifeForce Abundance Coaching Sessions
Complimentary Discovery Session

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Mid-June 2021 Newsletter

Hello, and a magical juicy Mid-June to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter. Today's issue is about showing up. Enjoy!

Are you showing up?
 image of being criticized When I was younger, I thought showing up meant going to school every day and listening attentively to the teacher, even when I didn't feel like it. Or it meant doing my chores, whether Mom was checking on me or not. As I got older it meant paying my bills on time, or keeping my promise to a friend.

Though I had no problem honoring my personal and academic and business commitments, social gatherings and interactions, with no clearly defined structure, were more of a challenge for me. My busy brain imagined a scene like the image above, with everyone judging me and criticizing me. Who would want to show up then, just to become a target?

 snail leaving its shell and comfort zone When I realized I was treating every chance to interact with others like an acting performance which was giving me stage fright, I decided to approach the idea of showing up in groups differently. I noticed I often tried to "hide in plain sight" in gatherings, being physically present, yet unfocused and "checked out", often not paying attention. Learning is one of my highest priorities, and I would never treat a class I'd signed up for this way!

Hmmm... What if learning to interact socially, in a friendly way without fear of criticism, was my current "area of study"? Like the naked snail leaving her cozy shell of solitude, I was way out of my comfort zone with this. I practiced fully showing up for neighbors I ran into casually, or for other students at a workshop when we weren't in class. And like any skill, the more I practiced, the easier it became.

 Brene Brown being seen quote An overlooked essential part of showing up was showing up for myself. Before I had only thought about showing up for others, meeting their demands. As I added in the "assignment" (thinking like a teacher) to show up for myself first, making sure I was comfortable, it became easier to show up for others. At times it felt almost natural, as if it was becoming automatic. I was growing a new skill!

Showing up for myself could be considered necessary self-care, as important as getting sufficient sleep. I don't want to become so thoroughly depleted trying to meet everyone else's needs that I have no time and energy left for myself, and am approaching burnout. When I do show up for myself, it feels good and energizes me, then I have more to give when I show up for other people. And I can show up for Life more, enjoying the Nature scenes around my home, or even the food I eat, instead of just going through the motions of living. Showing up feels like allowing myself to have a full and fulfilling life. Are you showing up too?

For an article exploring the connection between my myopia and my unwillingness to "put myself out there", click here.

Have you wondered if my work could help you?
I'm now offering complimentary Discovery Session consultations of 20 minutes or so, for us to discuss what you're looking for in a coach, and to see whether you and I feel like a fit to work together formally. To schedule your Discovery Session, click here.

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Please send me your questions and comments
Let me know what you've wondered about concerning energy medicine or vision or dreams. I'll be glad to write a short article addressing that topic. Thank you to those who have sent me questions, or see a question you asked me in a private session written about here. You're helping many other people! Enjoy the second half of this jam-packed month of June. I'll write again in a few weeks. Take care!

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