Mid-November 2016 Newsletter
Hello, and a magnificent mid-November to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter. The photo above shows
me listening to a brainy friend (whom I cut out of the photo), doing
my best to follow her. I'm not as relaxed as I could be in this
gorgeous natural setting. Are you appreciating the wonders of
Nature around you?
Today's issue has an article on receiving.
Are you receiving the gifts Life is offering?
We're fast approaching the gift-giving holiday season. Some
of the bigger stores have been displaying Christmas decorations
for a month, or longer. With this focus on spending money to give
something to relatives, friends, and co-workers, don't neglect
yourself. Maybe you deserve a gift too!
Beyond "things" you can buy in the mall, take a few minutes
to look at what you already have: a warm place to live,
good health, friends who care about you, even the internet
which lets you connect to people all over the globe. When I
hear "the rich get richer" I don't think of money, as much
as of satisfaction and gratitude. If you feel happy, it
seems Life gives you even more to be happy about.
One simple way to increase your joy is with a gratitude practice.
Each morning or evening, whichever fits your schedule better,
make a short list of what you're grateful for. It could be an unexpected
check in the mail, yes, and could also be the sunshine coming in the
kitchen windows to say "Good morning!". You might find, as I have,
that more shows up in your life to be grateful for.
An overlooked type of gift is an opportunity which requires an
investment of time or money, and the return is way beyond what
you spent. On-line classes or workshops involving travel fall
into this category. If you give yourself this gift,
you may make lifelong friends, grow your
skills, and discover surprising things about yourself. Don't say
"I don't have the time!" or "I can't afford it!" too hastily.
Who is more worthy of giving to than yourself? Nothing ventured,
nothing gained!
Another flavor of gift is one which seems like a hardship
or problem at first, what spiritual teacher Darren Weissman
calls "a gift in strange wrapping paper". That disease which
led you to change your unhealthy lifestyle, or that job from
hell which prompted you to find a career you loved, is one of
these gifts. It can be tempting to focus on today's trouble,
and not see the bigger picture that the problem was just a
stepping-stone to something much better.
Bing Crosby wrote and sang "When I'm worried and I can't sleep,
I count my blessings instead of sheep". Look for the gift in the
moment to feel better -- what's good about this situation that
I'm not seeing yet? Gifts are all around us, we just have to
notice them. Focusing on your difficulties makes you tense
and keeps you awake at night, as Bing points out. Take what
action you can, then rest easy knowing you've done your part.
It's such a gift to be alive!
To read about letting in the gift of human vision (or not!),
Have you wondered if my work could help you?
I'm now offering complimentary Discovery Sessions of 20 to 30
minutes, for us to discuss what you're looking for in a coach,
and to decide whether you and I feel like a fit. To schedule
your Discovery Session, click
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it, and you might not see it next time. If you'd like to be on
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You can unsubscribe at any time.
Thank you!
Please send me your questions and comments
Let me know what you've wondered about concerning energy medicine
or vision or dreams. I'll be glad to write a short article addressing
that topic. Thank you to those who have sent me questions, or see
a question you asked me in a private session written about here.
You're helping many other people!
Enjoy the remainder of your November.
I'll write again in a few weeks. Take care!