September 2016 Newsletter
Hello, and a superb September to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter. The photo above was taken
by a friend when I was on stage speaking at an energy workshop.
It seems fitting for September, which has always meant "back to school"
to me. It also means the approach of the autumnal equinox, with its equal
mix of daylight and darkness.
Today's issue has an article on comfort zones, the good and the
possibly not so good.
Is your comfort zone getting a bit too comfortable?
We all want to feel secure. Just like the toddler becomes
anxious if Mom gets too far away, we seek ways to comfort
ourselves. Something as simple as a daily ritual, maybe
preparing that special tea every morning in the kitchen
in our favorite mug, can make us feel safer. Yet, yet, if
every day is exactly the same, might you be playing it
too safe?
You may not need to jump into something completely new
to shake up your routine a bit, if it's getting stale
and less interesting. Every athlete knows the value
of "changing it up", doing different exercises to target
muscles you've been ignoring with your usual workout. You
might not have to abandon "pumping iron" to go swimming. You
could try running outdoors instead of on the treadmill, or
experiment with one of the newer weight machines. A small
change is better than no change at all!
Be honest with yourself. Are you stuck in a rut with your health,
or your eating habits, or in your career or marriage? If you met
the You of a couple of years ago, would that person seem exactly
the same as you are now? If so, you might not be growing, merely
stagnating. When we connect with someone we haven't seen in a
while, the question is often "What's new?". If your answer is
usually "Same old, same old", you can do better!
People who excel at something instinctively know the brain and body
like novelty. That's the way to keep growing. Albert Einstein,
the genuis mathematician, was a skilled amateur violinist.
Rosey Grier, the manly football player, had needlepoint and knitting
as hobbies. Don't you want to be able to play as many notes on the
scale as you can too? Challenge yourself to try something new,
and be sure to have fun with it!
To read about some of my own struggles with expanding my
emotional and visual comfort zones,
Have you wondered if my work could help you?
I'm now offering complimentary Discovery Sessions of 20 to 30
minutes, for us to discuss what you're looking for in a coach,
and to decide whether you and I feel like a fit. To schedule
your Discovery Session, click
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Thank you!
Please send me your questions and comments
Let me know what you've wondered about concerning energy medicine
or vision or dreams. I'll be glad to write a short article addressing
that topic. Thank you to those who have sent me questions, or see
a question you asked me in a private session written about here.
You're helping many other people!
Enjoy the start of your September.
I'll write again in a few weeks. Take care!