September 2021 Newsletter
Hello, and a stupendous September to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter.
Today's issue is about being connected to your environment, or not.
Are you connected to your environment?
Most days I take at least one walk through my neighborhood, to get outside and enjoy the trees and sky, and to get away from my computer.
Quite often I encounter a neighbor who looks at me while asking a greeting-type question, like "So how are you doing?". It's only after
my friendly answer that I realize they were talking to someone on their phone! The neighbor was connected to me visually, at least briefly,
while their attention and their main connection was with the person on the other end of their phone conversation.
This guy with his face right up to his computer screen isn't paying any attention to what else is happening around him, no matter how interesting
it may be. He might even consider lovely music or a pretty sight outside his window a distraction from what he's trying to do. His entire environment
right now is the screen! Are there times when you're so immersed in electronic or virtual reality, you forget it's not real?
When I was growing up, even though there were no computers yet, I was often "lost in a book", ignoring everything outside of its pages. My mother would chase
me out of the house with instructions to go play, so I'd take a book with me and climb a tree to read it in peace. Then she'd call me and I didn't hear
her, being so caught up in whatever I was reading.
When I'm reading or writing an article now, I take frequent breaks to look out the window or get a drink of water or go for a short walk, just to change the
focus of my attention. Otherwise I might miss seeing the full moon rising, or a spectacular sunset. I'm also more available to interact, whether it's with
my guy who wants to chat, or a neighbor walking by when I'm outdoors mowing the lawn. The book will still be there for me when I return.
For some of us, it's easier to "connect" with a book or screen than with another person, whose energy can be overwhelming, or in conflict with our own. We
don't all have as much peace or playfulness in our relationships as the boy and his father with the fake mustaches! Be easy on yourself. If you're not
comfortable in a crowd, maybe being with one friend, or talking with her on the phone, is enough connection for today.
In the image above, the dog is more connected with his environment, while the human has a brain full of many distractions. In my vision practices, I am often
pulling myself back to the present, to look at and connect with what's right in front of me and near me, to "be here now", like this dog naturally does. I invite
you to connect a little more fully with your surroundings, whoever or whatever they may be, and see what you've been missing. If you don't look, you won't see!
For an article on how clear sight is about connecting to your surroundings,
Upcoming EFT series with a master teacher
My wise skilled insightful EFT teacher Carol Look will be holding a 3-week 6-session series
in a few weeks, Tapping Into The Vibration Of Abundance. Carol's work is gold and I can't recommend
her highly enough. We start on September 13th at 3PM Eastern. You can check out the details
Have you wondered if my work could help you?
I'm now offering complimentary Discovery Session consultations
of 20 minutes or so, for us to discuss what you're looking for
in a coach, and to see whether you and I feel like a fit to work
together formally. To schedule your Discovery Session, click
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Thank you!
Please send me your questions and comments
Let me know what you've wondered about concerning energy medicine
or vision or dreams. I'll be glad to write a short article addressing
that topic. Thank you to those who have sent me questions, or see
a question you asked me in a private session written about here.
You're helping many other people!
Enjoy the start of this sensational month of September.
I'll write again in a few weeks. Take care!