About EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
EFT, an energy healing modality, is an acronym for Emotional
Freedom Technique. EFT is commonly referred to as "tapping",
and has been called "acupuncture without the needles". EFT
consists of gently tapping with the fingers on the face and upper
body, on some of the same points where an acupuncturist would
insert needles. We stimulate these energy meridian points with
EFT tapping, while bringing up an issue we feel stuck about, to
help us move the energy through our body and clear the issue.
EFT has relieved physical pain, phobias, and many emotional
issues like anxiety and insomnia. Its advocates say "Try it
on everything!". Since problems which appear purely physical
can often have an underlying emotional component, using EFT to
free trapped emotions could give surprising and dramatic results.
This is true even with long-standing problems.
With this in mind, I may suggest we do some EFT during your
time with me, whether it is a vision session, a dream session, or an
energy coaching session, to see if we can loosen what seems to be
a stuck pattern and shed more light on your problems. Also since
I now offer audio recordings of client sessions, you'll have
the opportunity to tap along again on your own after we work
together, using the recording, to further clear your issue(s).
for information on having an EFT
Coaching session with me.
I look forward to working with you.