LifeForce Abundance Coach
EFT ("Tapping") Coach

Image : Nancy with purple cactus

Nancy L. Neff
Vision and Dreams Coach
Email: Nancy@dreamersight.com

EFT coaching sessions
Vision coaching sessions
Dream coaching sessions

Contact Nancy

Mid-August 2014 Dreamer Sight Newsletter

Hello, and continuing August Abundance to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter. Last weekend I participated in an outstanding energy medicine workshop and training with my teacher Deborah King, where we all learned and most of us also taught. I'll write more about this soon. Today I'm sending you 2 short articles, one on vision and one on EFT. Enjoy!

Vision: Seeing depth
A vision student who is learning to do without glasses asked "Is normal vision supposed to have this 3D quality?". Yes, natural healthy vision is much more 3-dimensional and "alive" than eyeglasses vision. Glasses make the world appear flat. And, in my opinion, spending a lot of time looking at flat computer or tablet or phone screens, rather than at the real world, doesn't help. As my own vision has improved this 3D effect is becoming even more pronounced for me, which is a delight.

Here is a blog post which goes into this topic in more "depth" -- ha!

EFT helps with old stuck emotions
This past week I had 2 client sessions in which the presenting problem was not the real problem. EFT uncovered the true issue so we could work on it and clear it. The same thing happened for me in a session with my own coach. I thought I was worried about managing the details of an upcoming train trip. What was really going on was that my memories of being a powerless child were triggered by this situation -- back then I did indeed have too much to handle. Again, once the real issue was pinpointed, my coach and I were able to address it and make some significant progress. You can read more about my experience here.

If you're unfamiliar with EFT, you'll find a brief description here, so you can better understand its power.

Final Notice: Discovery Session offer ends in a few days!
Through next Friday, I'm offering half-hour "Discovery Sessions", for only $89, to introduce my work to more people. (I'll disable this offer early Saturday morning NY time.) If you haven't worked with me before, and are curious about trying a Dream or Vision or EFT Coaching session, now is your chance to do so. If it's been a while since we worked together, and you want a short half-hour "tune-up" session, feel free to take advantage of this. Also, please pass the offer along to any friend or relative or colleague whom you think could be helped by my work.

Send me a note to let me know you're interested, so we can schedule your Discovery Session. Thanks, and I'm looking forward to working with you.

I welcome your questions and comments
Let me know what you've wondered about concerning vision or dreams or EFT and I'll be glad to write a short article on it. I would be delighted to hear from you. I hope you're enjoying your August, which is vacation time for most of us in the west. There's no time like now to open up to all the joy around you, to feel abundantly alive and part of Life.

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