Early October 2014 Dreamer Sight Newsletter
Hello, and an outstanding October to you!
Welcome, or welcome back, to my newsletter.
The picture shows me laughing with a friend before a recent energy
medicine workshop. Laughter is one of Nature's healing tools, with
only positive side effects. Have you laughed recently?
Today's issue has 2 articles, one about dreams, and one about vision.
Dreams: How do I know if my dream is about a past life?
When a dream seems to have nothing to do with anything in
your present life, it can be tempting to think it's about a past
life. Maybe, and maybe not! Remember dreams can be symbolic, so
a war scene could be mirroring a war-like relationship, or even
a war going on in your body if you're in conflict with yourself.
To read more on the topic of dreams and past lives, click
Vision: Is my worrying affecting my eyesght?
From the time I was very young, I noticed I worried more than
other people did. They seemed to skate through Life dealing
with what came their way easily, not getting upset. They also
seemed to have better eyesight than I did. Could there
be a connection?
As I've improved my vision, I've also become calmer. I'm not
sure which came first, the anxiety or the nearsightedness,
but they seem closely related, and actually to reinforce
each other. If I'm not seeing "the big picture", instead
focused on every little thing that might go wrong, I'm not
very peaceful!
I've found whether I focus on improving my vision or improving my
relaxation, they both improve.
To read more about my personal experience with anxiety and
vision, click
I mentioned EFT as one of the tools I've used to reduce my anxiety.
If you're unfamiliar with EFT, you'll find a brief description
so you can better understand its power.
I welcome your questions and comments
Let me know what you're curious about concerning vision or
dreams or EFT. I'd be glad to write a short article for you.
Enjoy this abundant month of October, welcoming all
the riches coming toward you.
You'll hear from me again in a few weeks. Take care!